What I'm reading right now: Zombierama!

>> Sunday 21 March 2010

I'm about to start reading my first ever zombie book. This wasn't a decision that was taken lightly, I can tell you. All my life, I've pretty much avoided zombies. Well, who wants ugly zombies when there are sexy vampires at every turn? Not me! I am, and always will be a vampire girl at heart. It all started with Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire many years ago. I've been spoiled recently with the Twilight saga, which I pretty much love, and right now I'm not even going to start on the awesomeness that is Vampire Diaries, or I'll be here all night, and this is a post about zombies, after all.

So, what finally got me willing to start my journey in to zombieland? (I still just think 'yuck' when I think of them!), but The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan has come highly recommended, and so I felt I had to check it out.

I hope it lives up to all the glowing reviews I have read, and I also hope I don't get too creeped out with all the open wounds and rotting flesh of these zombies. Like I said, yuck! I'm so used to sexy vampires, and I really don't know what to expect from this. I just hope it's easy on the gore.

I will endeavour to post a review on here when I'm done.

Book #10 in my '50 books in a year challenge'. I've slowed down this month, but I'm still on track.


So, I started a blog. Again.



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